It's real easy to start

We transform the email address of your choice into a simple and effective chat and virtual workspace solution.  Perfect for internal and external collaboration alike.

  • Start a chat
    Type in any email address, or paste in more than one, and your collaborators will receive a message so they can join the chat. Literally takes seconds! Go for it.
  • Start a group workspace
    Real easy to type or paste in a bunch of email addresses, often from an existing distribution list, and off you go. You're in a secure and private workspace in moments!
Create a new workspace
Magic! You have converted a few email addresses into a chat thread! Now you can move at today’s speed of business
Create a new workspace
Give it a name, choose an icon for your workspace, select a theme you like and it’s done
Select/invite your contacts
Add some files or populate some upcoming events in the calendar
Boom! Your new workspace is up and running!

Elevate your professional group to achieve success